The Zen Center Regensburg e.V. is an international meditation community (non-religious) founded by a group of friends practicing Zen Meditation under the direction of Zen Master Hyon Gak Sunim, beginning in 2010.
There is daily meditation at 04:45 and at 19:00, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Following the teachings of the legendary Zen Master Seung Sahn (1927-2004), the practice form is Bowing, Chanting, Sitting and Walking Meditation, with silent Meals and Community Work.
For absolute newcomers to our Zen Center, we suggest that you orient yourselves with the Meditation Guide and sign up for one of our Introduction to Zen Classes.
Otherwise please arrive at least 20 minutes before the beginning of daily morning and evening practice. Late arrivees (within 15 minutes before the start of practice) cannot be admitted.
One can participate in morning/evening practice without any previous experience, for those who have meditation experience in another tradition. We are open to people of all faith traditions, and there is zero dogmatic emphasis or orientation.
Every month, there is a three-day intensive Zen retreat (“YMJJ”). The retreat is held in silence. We also hold a traditional 90-day Winter Kyol Che and a 90-day Summer Kyol Che. Please check this website and our Facebook “Zen Center Regensburg” page for details and updates.
There are opportunities for overnighting at ZCR. In fact, for retreats, it is strongly required. Contact our office for details.
We are supported by donations. This is not a well-funded organization or church. It is a small community of fellow-practitioners, living a semi-monastic life in the city, open to all, regardless of race, color, or religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender expression, disability, or political beliefs. We are open to all humanity.
Because this mission to serve is not easy, and we admit many to our retreats who cannot pay, we are grateful for anything you could offer to help with our substantial monthly rent and expenses. Even a jar of almond butter, or some juice, or some good traditional German bread are acceptable donations. (But cash definitely helps!)
Any donations to the Zen Center Regensburg e.V are tax-deductible in the Federal Republic of Germany, since we are a lawfully registered non-profit organization, under the purview of the German Finanzamt.