led by DoTzong
Head Dharma Teacher, Zen Center Regensburg
The Zen Day at Zen Center Regensburg is a wonderful opportunity to have a simple introduction to the practice of Zen in a short retreat setting. Beginners to our Community can get to know our Zen Center forms and style with an experienced Zen practitioner who has completed five of the traditional 90-day retreats (“ango”) in the mountains of Korea.
We offer the Zen Day once a month. Check the list above to find the dates.
SILENCE: All retreats at the Zen Center Regensburg are conducted in silence. This opens up a space which allows you to become indescribably more intimate with your True Nature.
OVERNIGHT STAY: Although the Zen Day is a one-day program, it is also possible to stay the night before or after the Zen Day, if you have long travel times or want to get a deeper impression of a Zen Retreat.
DHARMA CONTRIBUTION: The Zen Day is entirely donation-based. The recommended minimum donation is EUR 60, and you are welcome to offer more. (Work donation is also possible by individual request to the Head Dharma Teacher).
PREPARATION: Please bring comfortable clothes, that allow you to sit for longer periods of time. Additionally bringing your own sleeping bag can make us happy by reducing our cleaning job after the retreat, thereby helping our suffering Environment. Cushions and chairs are available at our Zen Center.
Morning Practice (Optional)
5:30 Chanting/Sitting
07:00 Breakfast
07:30 Workperiod (1h)
Official Start
09:00 Zen Tee
10:00 Sitting Zen
12:00 Lunch
12:30 Break
14:30 Sitting Zen
16:00 Yoga (Optional)
17:30 Dinner (Optional)
19:00 Chanting, Sitting
20:00 Dharma Talk / Q&A