Music Zen
Nowadays, fewer and fewer people get their first contact with Dharma through books and written word alone. Hyon Gak Sunim has met this Zeitgeist by spreading Dharma teachings through music and videos. All of the following videos were engineered from Sunim’s actual Dharma talks by the UK polyglot master Arman Ray into a library of compelling vehicles for spreading seeds of Dharma.

Ashes to Ashes
(Club Mix IV Subs.)
Arman Ray + Hyon Gak Sunim, feat. Zen Master Seung Sahn

Right Here, Right Now
Arman Ray + Hyon Gak Sunim
(Sam Leuis Remix)

Just Let Go
Arman Ray + Hyon Gak Sunim // from "Form is Emptiness"

재에서 재로 -- 을지로4가 2075년 (대한 클럽 리믹스 2) 아르만 레이 + 현각스님(숭산 대종사님 출연)
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Video Zen
Some general-interest videos on Hyon Gak Sunim, training in the Zen Center Regensburg, and the everyday practice and life-teaching activities of a Zen monk in the modern world.

"A Day in the Moment of a Modern Zen Monk"
A Film by Christine Schmitthenner