We are not supported by any organization or religious order, but only by good friends like you!
Since we are a non-profit organization all donations are tax-deductible* and only used to pay for the basic expenses like rent, water, electricity and food.

Perfect for casual visitors. Any donation is gladly accepted.
(Minimum 10€ recommended).
ALL funds go directly to the maintenance of Zen Center Regensburg e.V. NO ONE benefits personally from this donation, except all beings.

With pleasure you can easily support us online with a one-time donation.
Right here right now:
Or via bank transfer:

Zen Center Regensburg e.V.
DE45 7505 0000 0026 8154 23

The best way! Become a continuous contributing member of our community, so that you can support this temple and all the work that is being done here.
*Note: For amounts up to 300€, the bank statement is used as a receipt for the tax office. For donations over 300€ please write us for a receipt.